
Posts Tagged ‘Mike Tyson’

Mike Tyson on Versus

May 12, 2010 2 comments

Every once in a while, you stumble across an interview that really makes you scratch your head in amazement. This is one of those moments. Mike Tyson did an interview on Versus called “Tea with Tyson”. It is epic. Check it out and respond in the comments.

I really don’t know where to begin with this one. The whole concept is just incredible, let’s put mike Tyson in a room with this guy that nobody knows and have them serve each other tea and cannolis while discussing the finer points of tea, pastries and re-gifting (it’s ok to pawn but not to re-gift). The setting of the interview is also classic. Check out the black phone in the middle of the first frame of the video. Where the hell are these guys! A motel room, a restaurant, the set of a play, I really can’t figure it out. I thought something weird was gonna start happening when they began speaking in low hushed tones while exchanging heavy eye contact.

There are some pretty classic lines in this clip starting off with Reese’s statement that he doesn’t need any bread and just likes honey. Apparently this makes you a “cool dude” in Iron Mike’s eyes which is good to know. Watch the way Reese looks at him during this moment.

The discussion about cannolis was also pretty funny. Apparently Mike and cannolis have a pretty long standing relationship. The supple pastries are like a curse to Mike Tyson. If you ever find yourself being chased by him just throw some cannolis at him and he’ll start to melt or something.

The greatest part of the interview was when Mike told Reese that he had no idea who he was and started asking everyone in the room if they knew who the dude was. Mike your not the only one. Any readers know about this guy before this piece? Check out the original story from versus.